AI in Health: Opportunities and Challenges for Governments, Providers and Communities


A recent report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, pointing out both the opportunities and challenges this poses for governments, providers and communities.

The report entitled “Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence in Health”, the result of two years of consultation by WHO-appointed international experts, highlights that AI has the potential to significantly improve healthcare delivery and medicine worldwide. However, for this to occur, it is crucial that ethics and human rights are considered centrally in its conception, implementation and use.

WHO managing director emphasizes that while AI offers great potential to improve global health, it can also be misused and cause harm. The report provides countries with valuable guidance on how to maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing risks and avoiding pitfalls.

Improve speed and accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector

AI is already being used in some developed countries to improve the speed and accuracy of disease diagnosis and detection, facilitate clinical care, drive drug research and development, and support public health interventions such as disease surveillance, outbreak response and health systems management.

In addition, AI could empower patients to have greater control over their healthcare and better understand their needs. It could also improve access to healthcare services in resource-limited countries and rural communities, where patients often face difficulties in accessing healthcare professionals.

Challenges and risks of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector

However, the WHO report warns of the danger of overestimating the benefits of AI in health, especially if this is done to the detriment of basic investments and strategies needed to achieve universal health coverage.

It also highlights that AI opportunities come with challenges and risks, such as unethical collection and use of health data, biases present in algorithms, and risks to patient safety, cybersecurity, and the environment.

The report stresses the importance of preventing AI from subordinating the rights and interests of patients and communities to the commercial interests of technology companies or to government interests in surveillance and social control.

It also notes that AI systems trained primarily on data collected in high-income countries may not function adequately in populations in low- or middle-income settings. Therefore, it is crucial that AI systems reflect the diversity of socioeconomic and healthcare settings, and are accompanied by digital skills training, community engagement, and awareness.

Conclusions on the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector

In conclusion, governments, providers and designers must work together, guided by existing human rights laws and obligations, as well as new laws and policies that incorporate ethical principles, to address ethical and human rights concerns at all stages of conception, development and implementation of AI-based technologies. Ethics and human rights must be at the heart of ensuring that AI in health benefits humanity in a fair and responsible manner.

About AlgoNew

At AlgoNew, we add intelligence to your digital interactions so you can deliver a personalized and efficient experience to your customers. How do we do it? Through a combination of intelligent decision management, natural language processing and advanced analytics.

We use algorithms to help you make informed decisions in real time and improve the efficiency of your processes. In other words, we make sure that every action you take is based on relevant data and artificial intelligence, resulting in faster and more accurate decision making.

Conversation management, on the other hand, refers to how you interact with your customers through digital platforms such as chatbots or virtual assistants. We use natural language processing technology to understand and respond to customer requests in an effective and natural way. This means that your customers can interact with digital systems in the same way they would interact with a human, which enhances the user experience.

Finally, we use advanced data analytics to gain valuable insights from your digital interactions. We analyze the data generated from your interactions to identify patterns and trends that can help you improve your business. This can include things like identifying common problems your customers have and how to solve them efficiently, or identifying areas for improvement in your business processes.

This combination of intelligences that we offer at AlgoNew can help you significantly improve your digital interactions with customers. It helps you make informed, data-driven decisions, interact with them in an effective and natural way, and gain valuable insights into your business processes.

It all leads to a better customer experience and greater business efficiency!